Drumming for Schools


From phys ed to physics, drumming can complement into your school’s curriculum. Are you looking for a high-quality enrichment program that will have a lasting impact on your school community?

Depending on the program you are seeking for your students, DrumRise can provide an interactive drum circle rhythm event by bringing a host of percussive instruments or design a program that will integrate the state curiculum requirements of science, social studies, math, PE, language arts by teaching your students a traditional rhythm and song from the Mandingue of West Africa.

We bring imported authentic West African drums (called djembes) and the large drums that provide the melody for the music called dununs to the facility. We will familiarize the student with the basic information about the drums, their history, and their culture.  We will teach good technique, basic sounds, and warm-ups.

With DrumRise, students will have fun discovering the rhythms and songs of West Africa while also strengthening skills and learning lessons in:

  • Geography and Culture
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Respect for Diversity
  • Attentive Listening
  • Cooperation
  • Creativity
  • Self esteem
  • Physical fitness  &  motor skills
  • Improves focus and concentration
  • Allows for self expression
  • Brings about joy and laughter!



DrumRise offers age-appropriate programming customizable for any grade level (K-12) and can tailor the programs to integrate, as appropriate, state curriculum requirements in social studies, math, PE, language arts, and even science!  We can spend a half day with two or three class groups, or stay for weeks at a time as your school’s artists in residence. Options include:

    • One-Day Drumming Classes
    • Multi-Day Artist Residencies
    • Weekly After School DRUM. Club
    • School Assemblies / Interactive Performances
    • Family Night and Fundraising Drum Circles


Our School Programs package gives details on our programs and how they can integrate with your curriculum, basic cost info, and the benefits of drumming. You can view or download this –

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Our K-8 Program Integration Guide details many Georgia Performance Standards relative to DrumRise options.You can view or download this –